About Crispin
About Crispin
Doh Gwang | guiding light
Chun Hwa | to be one with heaven
My Own Compassionate Transformation
My Own Compassionate Transformation
How did my journey begin?
How did my journey begin?
I was born into a loving family—first child with two brothers and two sisters. My family supported and encouraged each of us with very high expectations, so we all are quite competitive. My family also deeply suppressed all display of emotion, be it joy or sorrow or fear or anger.
I grew up with learning disabilities, so school was challenging—filled with shame and confusion. At 12, I had rheumatic fever which resulted in chronic pain and an immunity disorder. But competitive by nature and trained to suppress, I managed and found success as an athlete.
When I was 27, my father died. He had been diagnosed 10 years before but there was never a discussion about his illness. He was withdrawn with family but continued to find success in his work. I did not fully acknowledge or grieve his death until five years after. I married and subsequently divorced, never fully grieving that loss.
I started my company—what became CS AdvoCare—and provided consulting services in entitlement benefits (Social Security, Medicare, and supplements). The company provided fiduciary services and I served as power of attorney, both financial and medical, as well as conservator and personal representative. My passion for end-of-life care grew stronger and stronger as well as my determination to provide open communication.
I joined the Body and Brain yoga practice almost 20 years ago and have worked diligently to not only heal my own body and spirit but to teach and provide guidance to others. My stepfather died when I was in my fifties and my developing awareness about communication and sharing provided support for my family.
After 30 years in the business, I sold my company internally and continue to serve as agent for clients on a part time basis, committed to seeing them to their end time.

I became a Reiki Master and was certified as a Grief Yoga Instructor. When my mother died at age 94, I was able to guide my siblings in fully honoring her wishes and recognizing their own grief process.
We all grieve any change, whether it is a death or a lost relationship or death of a pet or a chance in health or life circumstance. We hold this grief in our bodies. My intention is to guide the healing process so we do not get stuck in our grief and can find meaning. I am witness providing a safe container to feel and grow. In this present moment I reflect back and find meaning in all the events that paved a path for me to do the work I am now called to do.
Doh Gwang:
Guiding Light
My soul name, Doh Gwang, means "guiding light" in Korean. How am I a guide—a light—for others?
My background, expertise, and community allow me to be a resource for seekers of healing and help now through the end of life.
End-of-Life Professional Experience:
- Advance Care Planning
- Geriatric Care Manager
- Entitlement Specialist
- Professional Fiduciary
- Power of Attorney
- End-of-Life Doula
Healing & Helping Experience:
- Yoga, Meditation, Breathwork
- Grief Yoga® Instructor
- Reiki Master
- Hospice Volunteer
- Community Volunteer
A Certified Grief Educator is committed to providing the highest level of grief support through education, experience, and insights into the often unacknowledged rocky terrain of grief.
Certified Grief Educators completed a certificate program designed by world-renowned grief expert, David Kessler. They bring his unique methodology, tools, and decades of experience to help people navigate the challenges of grief.
Volunteer Non-Profit Work
Crispin is a board member responsible for volunteer and community training of the newly formed End-of-Life Options Colorado, a statewide non-profit organization that provides education and support to anyone who wants to learn about their choices at the end of life.